Setting a brief (Permanent) - Meet Genie
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Setting a brief (Permanent)

You can use Genie’s matching algorithm to help find the best matches for your permanent opportunities.

Make sure your company profile is up to date as most talent will look at this before responding.

The process is similar to that of freelance, Genie only approaches the top matched talent in the database.

You will only see talent who are interested in discussing the role with you.

  • To create a permanent brief just head into your ‘Briefs’ tab and click ‘New Brief’.
  • After giving your brief a title you’ll be able to select the ‘Permanent Hiring’ option and provide the Job Title that you are looking to hire.
  • Fill in the remaining information and press the ‘Create brief’ button at the end of the brief form. The job title and budget range will be shared with the talent.